java常量什么时候加载的 " />

As Java is one of the most popular programming languages nowadays, it is essential to be familiar with the commonly used English vocabulary in Java programming.

Java Vocabulary:

1. Class: A blueprint for creating objects in Java.

2. Object: A real-world entity that has a state and a behavior.

3. Method: A block of code that performs a specific task.

4. Instance variable: A variable that is defined within the class but outside any method and is part of the object's state.

5. Parameter: A variable that is passed into a method as an input.

6. Return value: The data that a method returns after performing a task.

7. Constructor: A method that is used to create objects of a class.

8. Inheritance: The process by which one class acquires the properties and methods of another class.

9. Polymorphism: The ability of objects to take on multiple forms.

10. Interface: A collection of abstract methods that can be implemented by any class.

11. Package: A namespace that organizes a set of related classes and interfaces in Java.

Now, let's move on to the second part of the topic - "When are Java constants loaded?"

In Java, constants are defined using the 'final' keyword. These constants are loaded when the class is loaded into the JVM (Java Virtual Machine). This means that if a constant is declared in a class, the value of that constant will be loaded into memory when the class is first used.

For example, consider a class called "Constants" that contains a field for PI with a constant value of 3.14. When this class is first used in a program, the value of PI will be loaded into memory and remain there for the duration of the program.

public class Constants {

public static final double PI = 3.14;


In addition to being loaded when the class is loaded, constants in Java are also final, which means they cannot be changed once they are initialized. This ensures that the value of the constant remains constant throughout the program.

To summarize, Java constants are loaded into memory when the class is loaded into the JVM. The values of these constants cannot be changed throughout the program as they are declared final.

In conclusion, understanding the frequently used Java vocabulary and the time at which Java constants are loaded can greatly benefit a programmer in writing efficient and effective Java code.



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