
Title: An In-Depth Guide to PHP's substr() Function


PHP is a widely-used scripting language for web development that offers numerous built-in functions to manipulate strings. One of the most commonly used string functions in PHP is substr(). This function allows developers to extract a portion of a string based on specified start and length parameters. In this article, we will delve into the details of PHP's substr() function and explore some additional relevant concepts.

Syntax and Parameters:

The substr() function in PHP has the following syntax:

string substr(string $string, int $start, int|null $length = null)

1. $string: This parameter specifies the string from which the substring will be extracted.

2. $start: It represents the starting index of the substring. A positive value starts from the beginning of the string, while a negative value starts from the end.

3. $length (optional): This parameter determines the length of the substring to be extracted. If not provided, the function returns the remaining string from the $start index until the end.

Usage Example:

Let's illustrate the usage of the substr() function with the following example:


$string = "Hello, World!";

$substring = substr($string, 7, 5);

echo $substring; // Output: World


In this example, the substr() function is used to extract a substring starting from the 7th index of the string "Hello, World!" with a length of 5 characters. The result is "World".

Negative Start Parameter:

One interesting feature of the substr() function is its ability to accept negative $start values. When a negative value is provided as the $start parameter, the function starts counting from the end of the string. This can be particularly useful in cases where you want to extract a substring from the end.


$string = "Hello, World!";

$substring = substr($string, -6);

echo $substring; // Output: World!


In this example, the substr() function is called with a negative $start value of -6. As a result, it starts counting from the 6th character from the end and returns the substring "World!".

Handling UTF-8 Strings:

When working with UTF-8 encoded strings, it is essential to consider multi-byte characters. The substr() function in PHP does not natively handle multi-byte characters. Therefore, using substr() on UTF-8 strings can lead to incorrect results or broken characters. To address this issue, PHP provides the mb_substr() function, specifically designed to handle multi-byte characters.


$string = "您好,世界!";

$substring = mb_substr($string, 3, 2);

echo $substring; // Output: 世界


In this example, the mb_substr() function is used to extract a substring from a UTF-8 encoded string. It correctly returns the two Chinese characters "世界" starting from the fourth character.

Additional Considerations and Tips:

1. The substr() function is case-sensitive. Make sure the start and length parameters accurately reflect the desired substring.

2. It is a good practice to check if the length parameter is negative. A negative length will cause substr() to return an empty string.

3. Remember that strings in PHP are zero-indexed, meaning the first character has an index of 0, the second has an index of 1, and so on.

4. When dealing with UTF-8 strings, prefer the mb_substr() function to handle multi-byte characters correctly.


PHP's substr() function offers a simple yet powerful way to extract substrings from strings. By understanding its syntax and parameters, you can effectively manipulate strings in your PHP applications. Additionally, when working with UTF-8 encoded strings, remember to use the mb_substr() function to handle multi-byte characters properly. By mastering these concepts, you can enhance your PHP coding skills and create more robust and efficient applications.



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